Welcome to GRUPO HEDEKER, SA DE CV, a portal that offers you information about the Company and its Services through the web address Each time you visit our content implies that you as a user know and accept these “General Conditions of Use”. We reserve the right to update and change these conditions at any time, and you can always find the most recent version of these conditions here.


By using the portal, you agree to these General Conditions, agreeing not to use them to send messages that defame or insult, or that contain false information, that is inappropriate, abusive, harmful, racist, violent, degrading, discriminatory, pornographic, threatening, damaging the public image and/or private life of third parties or that for any reason violate any law.

In case of a breach by you of the obligations to which you are subject by law and by these General Conditions in relation to the use of the portal, you will respond and leave us harmless for the damages that, due to your breach of these obligations, you would have caused to third parties.


HEDEKER GROUP is not responsible for the fact that you misuse the portal, that there is continuity of the contents of the portal, that there are no viruses and/or other harmful components on the portal or on the server that supplies them, both in relation to to the visualization of the contents by the users as well as in their downloading, that the contents and services provided by other portals that can be accessed from are operational, that the portal is not vulnerable, nor the software used, distributed or obtained from it, that the contents hosted in this portal have a greater or lesser performance, the damages or losses caused by any person, either to himself or to third parties, who violates the conditions, rules and instructions that are established in the portal, the damages caused by the violation of the security systems of the portal, the malfunction of software or download plugins that could be made from the link established for the necessary purpose for the visualization and listening of certain contents hosted in the portal and any action or performance that may be carried out in relation to the violation of third-party rights, especially in relation to image, intellectual or industrial property.


These General Conditions are valid for the duration of their exposure. In this way, we recommend that, each time you access our portal, you read them carefully. We expressly reserve the right to unilaterally modify these General Conditions at any time, in whole or in part.


This portal and all intellectual and industrial property rights over the elements that compose it: content, logos, brands, symbols, source code, etc. are owned by the HEDKER GROUP.


We inform you that we use cookies to facilitate navigation through the portal. You can configure the browser so that cookies are not installed on your computer, but remember that this will slow down your browsing.


Browsing through is completely anonymous and does not imply that you provide us with personal data. The data that you can provide us voluntarily in email messages from the contact page, we will collect only to attend to the query or request that is the object of the message. In these cases, you are responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data provided.

In view of the foregoing, we inform you that the HEDEKER GROUP has implemented a data protection policy and the security measures required by current legislation on the protection of personal data. This policy, reflected in the corresponding security document, is continuously monitored to guarantee their security.


In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions of these General Conditions and the Particular Conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter will prevail.

In the event that any provision or provisions contained in these General Conditions are considered null or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the rest of the General Conditions. nor to the Particular Conditions of the different services of the website.

The non-exercise or execution, by us, of any right or provision contained in these General Conditions will not constitute a waiver thereof, except for acknowledgment and written agreement on your part.


All design, content, templates, WordPress themes, images created by us for the design of this website and displayed anywhere on the website with URL are protected under Copyright, which which means that we reserve all rights and cannot be used by third parties without the prior authorization of GRUPO HEDEKER.