EU and the Broad Technological Restrictions Against China

Biden’s executive order will prohibit US venture capital firms from investing in three key sectors of the Chinese economy: semiconductors, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence. Semiconductors: The export of US tools for chip manufacturing was restricted, but for these measures to be effective, other leading suppliers, such as the Netherlands and Japan, who produce key […]

Fund Management.

A good way to make your money work for you is to invest in financial and savings products, such as investment funds or pension funds. However, not everyone has the experience, time, and knowledge necessary to select the products that best meet their expectations, needs, and, above all, their investor profile. In this regard, fund […]

Millennials and Their Retirement

Millennials and Their Retirement Millennials, the generation encompassing young adults aged between 20 and 35 who are transitioning into adulthood, need to start saving for their retirement early on to enjoy a comfortable post-work life. Sixty-three percent report starting to save for retirement before the age of 25; however, less than a third are saving […]


Imagine shopping without leaving your home; trying on clothes without stepping into a store; or attending a concert while staying a meter away. That’s what the metaverse promises, a change in the way we interact. The term “metaverse” has likely raised many questions in recent years, especially since Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of the social […]


When we talk about interest rates, there are always comparisons because any investor or saver prefers the rate offer that pays more. However, it’s crucial to evaluate which currency retains more value to determine the most profitable investment. The reference of yield rates is reflected through debt securities known as CETES or Government Bonds in […]


This platform is a social network that can be considered a content creation, blogging, and even streaming site based on a subscription and prepayment model. It is most well-known for generating adult content, although there are also influencers and individuals who publish intimate details of their daily or professional lives. In its original concept, founder […]

The Federal Reserve: Guardians of the American Economy

Did you know that the Federal Reserve, although it does not physically print bills, controls the amount of money in circulation in the U.S.? The Federal Reserve, commonly known as the Fed, is the central bank of the United States. With a unique mix of public-private character, it comprises a total of 12 central banks […]


If there is a trendy figure in the business world who is in the global elite, it’s the controversial founder of Tesla. Many people associate Elon more with his major controversies or some negative news surrounding his projects, which he leverages as one of his great strengths: controversy and the image of a rebellious businessman, […]


As is the case in much of the world, billionaires and tycoons often invest in or own teams in various sports disciplines around the world, whether as a pastime, a love for the sport, a competitive calling, or simply out of whim. The NFL is not the exception. 100% of the team owners in this […]

WOOF WOOF: The Multibillion-Pound Pet Business.

If there’s a truly profitable and noble business that has grown exponentially in the last decade, it’s the pet industry, particularly that of “doggos,” followed by felines. We can begin to analyze the business they represent from different perspectives: our income dedicated to their food, the number of furry friends parading in parks, and local […]