Costs and Environmental Liabilities: Corporate Responsibility in Sustainable Times.

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January 8, 2024

We are living in times when sustainability and environmental responsibility are of paramount importance. In this context, it is essential to explore in detail the costs and environmental liabilities that companies face, as well as the strategies to address them.

In 1998, in Mexico, the laws stipulated that whoever caused harm to the environment should assume its repair; however, starting in 2003, property owners are responsible for pollution on their properties.

What Are Costs and Environmental Liabilities?

Environmental Costs refer to the economic expenses associated with the environmental impact within a company’s operations. These costs can arise from various activities and business practices that generate negative effects on the environment.

Environmental Liabilities represent future obligations that a company assumes due to past or present environmental impacts of its operations. These liabilities are recognized in financial statements and reflect the company’s responsibility to the environment.

According to a study provided by Inegi in 2022, the highest environmental costs are related to air emissions, soil degradation, urban solid waste, and water resource management.

Environmental Costs in Mexico:

According to the study of Economic and Ecological Accounts of Mexico (CEEM) 2022, elaborated by Inegi, the highest environmental costs were related to air emissions, which generated an impact of 2.5% of GDP; soil degradation, with 0.5%, and urban solid waste, with 0.4%.

In 2022, the total cost of environmental depletion and degradation amounted to 1.2 trillion pesos, equivalent to 4.1% of the national GDP.

Managing costs and environmental liabilities is not only an ethical obligation but also a strategy for companies in an increasingly sustainability-focused world. Sustainability is no longer an option but an obligation for a sustainable future.